Who We Are

Learn about our congregation

Thanks for visiting our Midway Mennonite web page today. If not already a part of our congregation, it would be a joy to have you visit our physical place of congregational gathering to worship in person and experience together our shared joy and desire to grow in following Jesus Christ! As a Congregation, we are all ages and are from various backgrounds. As individuals, our desires are to live out the presence of Christ in our lives, through our challenges and struggles and though not perfect (likely in many ways), It is the grace of God through His love expressed in and through Christ Jesus which sustains us.

Historically, our congregational life spans some 200 hundred years back to 1815 and in 2015 we were privileged to celebrate 200 years of God’s faithfulness through our community presence. As we look forward, remembering the historic ways Christ as already ministered in and through us- both individually and as families and as a congregation- Our desire is to continue to use the timeless truths and the living presence of God’s Word to speak and live Christ’s life into the situations which await us! So, we challenge ourselves and invite you to join us in the journey that is before us!

In Christ’s abiding peace,

The Leadership and Fellow-travelers of Midway Mennonite Church

Contact Us

13376 Columbiana-Canfield Road, Columbiana, OH 44408
Church Phone Number: (330) 482-3135
Church Email: midwaymenno@gmail.com

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